
Sed Non Satiata

I don't feel like talking about anything anymore. Sometimes things are good, and sometimes they are not. Such is life. Take care.


A Tear In The Open

So, a majority of my involvements in life are highly uncertain. I'm not into it. I don't know how I even stay sane and handle shit sometimes, but I'll figure it out, like I always do. It's been a really long time that I've actually felt like I miss someone, and right now, I think I kind of do, but there are few things that I need to make sure are right before I let myself go again, if ever.

Adventureland was kind of just depressing. But in reality I think I just take all love-related movies way too seriously now, and it ends up ruining my cinematic experience. I think that's the start of a FML post.

Why do I always end up having these crazy encounters/conversations about drug and alcohol abuse just because I'm straight edge? I will not avoid certain situations, ignore an intoxicated friend in need, or go out of my way to put down your personal choices ever because of what I think about those things. It amazes me that people find it "interesting" that I have no problem in attending a party, or a bar, or whatever when that's basically all that's around. Guess what, it's part of being human, whether I like it or not. Just because I most likely want to slit my throat when I'm around you all, it doesn't mean I will. Or maybe I should?

Oh Tiesto how I appreciate thee, even though you're music alienates me from all of my actual "cool" friends. Sigh.


If I Could

Just when I thought I could count on myself, I'm enfatuated with yet
another illusion. I'm sorry but I have sincerely lost all interest in
proving myself wrong in terms of the nature of human beings and social
interaction. However I have rightfully gained the ability to embrace
withholding any sincere emotion to anyone other than myself and
friends for a long time and I can only imagine it will stay this way
for quite sometime. I'm late for Spanish.


Nightdrive With You(rself)

It's moving scenery and a chance to reflect. I can't look or move anywhere but forward anyhow.


End of an Era

It's hard to believe I won't be stepping foot in an atmosphere such as
this anymore for work. Maybe it's time to move on and this is natures
way of telling me so. It's been a good 5 year run, I guess. I think
I'm over caring about personal expectations of my life. I'm just going
to find another mindless routine to waste away in until I feel like
I've redeveloped the best representation of self.


Lullaby From the West Coast Sleepers



Love Like A Sunset

I'm on a serious soul-search right now. The past few months have been seriously auto-piloted. I hope my friends know how much they mean to me, 'cause I may have forgotten how to show it. I don't know if it's selfish or not, but as much as I want to be around, I want just as much not to be around, unless it somehow benefits my happiness, and I really don't know what the external solution to that is as of late. I know things will not be stale once I embrace graduation, summer, and sort out my new job situation. I do know, that I cannot wait to leave for a month with Pianos.

My sleeve is almost done. That's exciting I guess.

I can't stop listening to the new Phoenix album. It sits with me so well.

I think I forgot how to play guitar. FML