
Last Light

I don't think I've woken up naturally in years, and this morning this was case. I have nowhere to be, no real plans to tackle, but I'm feeling extremely well-rested for the first time in almost a year of nearly no breaks whatsoever. I'm pretty sure I'm spending most of the day with my parents and I'll make sure it's a productive one for sure.

It's nice to know that although we grow old and quickly become less and less excited for christmas, the simple act of relaxing and enjoying the company of your family is enough of a gift in itself. I know I'm a strong person, but I'm extremely thankful to have such loving and understanding parents who've bent over backwards and spent nearly every penny they have to keep my brother and I healthy, fed, and educated for 22 years. I know the struggle that living on my own at this time would bring, and it's nice that I can concentrate on building a better me, before tackling other life obstacles. It's weird to see my father retire from a job he's busted his ass at for nearly the same amount of years I've been alive. It's weird to see how everyone gets along in our extended family now that the majority of the children are adults or teens.

Besides the matter of paying thousands and thousands of dollars to an education in which I'm struggling to master the non-major/important parts, I really can't complain. I don't know how much of a rush I am in to get a really real job anyway. I'm fine with standing around listening to music all day and selling ready clean to coke addicts.

I need you to be the strength of widows and soul survivors
I need you to be as fearless as new mothers and new fathers
I need you to be the hope of hearts who lost true love
I need you to be the might of their first kiss
I need a purpose and I need a reason
I need to know that there is trophy and meaning
To all that we lose and all we fight for
To all our loves and our wars
Keep breathing
Keep living
Keep searching
Keep pushing on
Keep bleeding
Keep healing
Keep fading
Keep shining on
This is for the hearts still beating


Dik said...

Time flieeees man. And that song is perfect.

kris said...


you should have been hanging with your real family yesterday...ME, you asshole.